MORE THAN FRIENDS We met sometime ago. When we were young. We became great frineds, friends to the point that I don't know what I would do without you. Friends Forever is what we would be. But somehow along the line you grew to care for me as more than just a friend, but I was not able to return those feelings to you. You seem too good to be true. You hold all the qualities any girl would be lucky to have. Somewhere in time your feelings grew to the extent of caring for me as more than a friend. And sometimes my feelings for you get all mixed up. I do Love You, But how do I love you is what I am not sure of. You are a great friend and I admire you. My life would be so different if you were not in it. You took your feelings for me and put them aside and have helped me through many problems. If I don't open my eyes soon...Will I lose YOU? And if I let things go beyond friendship will we lose that??? Should I drop my guard and let us.... BE MORE THAN FRIENDS? WRITTEN BY: DESIREE CAMPUZANO PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS POEM. IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED AND SEND THEM TO WCODY21721@AOL.COM. THANX